The pitfalls of leaving nomination blank in bank accounts and insurance policies

The pitfalls of leaving nomination blank in bank accounts and insurance policies

Securing our family’s future is topmost priority for most of us. Alongside taking insurance policies and making investments, there is a crucial step in this—estate and succession planning to ensure our family inherits our assets without delays, hardship, or confusion.  Yet, this aspect is often neglected due to the anxiety and discomfort arising from contemplating … Read more

Wills and trusts: How blended families can navigate succession planning

Wills and trusts: How blended families can navigate succession planning

MUMBAI : Raj went through a divorce five years ago and is now remarried to Anita (who is also divorced from her husband). Raj has two children from his previous marriage and one from his new marriage. Anita has one child from her previous marriage as well. Raj hasn’t formally adopted the child of Anita’s … Read more

Intestate succession: Oral will not legally binding in India

Intestate succession: Oral will not legally binding in India

My brother-in-law passed away in a hospital last year. Before his death, he gave oral instructions on how he wanted his assets divided and asked me to carry out his wishes. He did not leave behind a written will. Now, his mother is claiming a share of his assets, which my sister is contesting based … Read more

Succession vs nomination: Key insights into effective estate planning

Succession vs nomination: Key insights into effective estate planning

How do legal frameworks governing testamentary and intestate succession differ from the role of a nominee in temporarily managing assets until the rightful successor is determined? What should I consider to ensure my estate plan is legally sound, minimises administrative burdens, and prevents potential disputes among heirs? -Name withheld on request One needs to understand … Read more

Witnessing a will: Your legal duties and responsibilities

Witnessing a will: Your legal duties and responsibilities

I’ve been asked to sign as a witness for my friend’s will. What are the implications and responsibilities of this role? Are there specific legal obligations or requirements I should be aware of? —Name withheld on request  A will is an instrument of testamentary disposition of property, whereby one transfers or bequeaths his property to … Read more

How estate planning can help you protect your legacy

How estate planning can help you protect your legacy

Most people fear the idea of estate planning or laugh it off thinking they are immortal. Estate planning is about ensuring your loved ones or a third party get access to your assets in a manner that you would want them to. Estate planning at its core is about putting arrangements in place for how … Read more

Estate planning under the Hindu and Indian succession acts to ensure a smooth transfer

Estate planning under the Hindu and Indian succession acts to ensure a smooth transfer

I am a Hindu father with two daughters and a son, living in Mumbai. I own a house and some land in my hometown. I’ve heard about the changes made by the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, but I’m not sure how they apply to my situation. How can I plan my estate to ensure … Read more

How to ensure fair distribution of assets in an estate plan?

How to ensure fair distribution of assets in an estate plan?

I have three sons, all of whom are married and have children. My eldest son and his family, who have been residing in the US, are now returning to India. The relations between all my family members are cordial. I now want to divide my estate (primarily my investments in listed stocks, mutual funds and … Read more