The pitfalls of leaving nomination blank in bank accounts and insurance policies

The pitfalls of leaving nomination blank in bank accounts and insurance policies

Securing our family’s future is topmost priority for most of us. Alongside taking insurance policies and making investments, there is a crucial step in this—estate and succession planning to ensure our family inherits our assets without delays, hardship, or confusion.  Yet, this aspect is often neglected due to the anxiety and discomfort arising from contemplating … Read more

Wills and trusts: How blended families can navigate succession planning

Wills and trusts: How blended families can navigate succession planning

MUMBAI : Raj went through a divorce five years ago and is now remarried to Anita (who is also divorced from her husband). Raj has two children from his previous marriage and one from his new marriage. Anita has one child from her previous marriage as well. Raj hasn’t formally adopted the child of Anita’s … Read more