Is luxury losing its luster? How status symbols became commonplace

Is luxury losing its luster? How status symbols became commonplace

There was a time not so long ago when luxury handbags made the loudest status statement. If you wanted to claim that you have arrived, without really using words to that effect, one just bought a luxury handbag, the cost of which onlookers could only guess would go into a few lakhs. Things have evolved … Read more

What are the common misconceptions about financial freedom and how can you overcome them?

What are the common misconceptions about financial freedom and how can you overcome them?

Mostly, the promoters of financial freedom get it right; they talk about financial freedom being your ability to control your choices in life, your ability to control your time and your ability to generate income without fussing around with a 9 to 5 job and so on. But, is it just that, your ability to … Read more