Gary Gensler is the most controversial man in American finance

Gary Gensler is the most controversial man in American finance

How many Securities and Exchange Commission chairs can you name? Even in Washington it is hard to imagine a passer-by being able to come up with more than one. Perhaps the best known is Joe Kennedy, the sec’s first chairman, who took office during the Depression when Americans had lost faith in markets and were … Read more

ChatGPT advises investors with high risk appetite to invest in cryptos. Should you take the plunge?

ChatGPT advises investors with high risk appetite to invest in cryptos. Should you take the plunge?

If you ask ChatGPT, the popular artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, about the most feasible investing option one could explore as a high-risk investor, it promptly asks you to put your money in cryptocurrencies, among other options.  Not only does it suggest investing in cryptos, but it also shares with the inquisitive user the key reason … Read more