Credit Cards: How can you use your card for the purpose of investing in stocks?

Credit Cards: How can you use your card for the purpose of investing in stocks?

For most credit card users, one of the most common use cases is to buy merchandise now and pay for it at a later date, say a month later. Shopping online or offline with the aid of a credit card without having to worry over the price tag is what defines the key utility of … Read more

How you can get a loan against mutual funds instead of breaking the investment when you need cash

How you can get a loan against mutual funds instead of breaking the investment when you need cash

If you run short of cash and plan to withdraw your mutual fund investments, take a pause. There is another option: You can take a loan against mutual funds and not disrupt the long-term potential compounding of your investment. Several banks offer loans against mutual fund units at interest rates ranging from 10-15% per annum. … Read more

Can I claim a tax benefit on rent paid in the same city where I own a house?

Can I claim a tax benefit on rent paid in the same city where I own a house?

Is there a tax benefit available if an individual stays in a rented house and at the same time rents his own house in the same city? —Arindam Mukhopadhyay We assume that you are in employment and are paid a house rent allowance (HRA) by your employer. As per the provisions of the Income Tax … Read more

How does a pre-approved loan influence your CIBIL score? MintGenie explains

How does a pre-approved loan influence your CIBIL score? MintGenie explains

When you are given a loan’s pre-approval, it usually has a minimal impact on your CIBIL score. This happens because it leads to a soft inquiry rather than a hard inquiry. In other words, loan pre-approval does not influence your CIBIL score in any significant way. Let us understand what is a soft inquiry. Pre-approval … Read more

How does co-signing a loan affect your credit score?

How does co-signing a loan affect your credit score?

When a borrower co-signs a loan, it can have both positive and negative effects. This can have both positive and negative effects on your credit score, based on how the borrower manages the loan.  For instance, 51-year Ajay Aggarwal decided to co-sign a loan for his son who wants to take a student loan.  This may also … Read more