Fake discount on insurance premium: Three key lessons you can learn from this X user’s experience

Fake discount on insurance premium: Three key lessons you can learn from this X user's experience

What would you do if someone told you that you are entitled to a discount on your insurance premium and that by making an instant payment towards it, you will save 20 or even 30 per cent of the premium? When colossal frauds amounting to crores are taking place, why would someone perpetrate a minor … Read more

How to tackle fraudulent transactions on your credit card? A step-by-step guide

How to tackle fraudulent transactions on your credit card? A step-by-step guide

According to the latest RBI data, in February 2024, the total number of credit cards issued by banks in India crossed the 100 million milestone, registering an increase of 1.1 million cards from the previous month. While this highlights the increasing popularity of credit cards, it also suggests a potential uptick in credit card fraud … Read more