Global vs Indian Investing: Why diversification matters for your portfolio?

Global vs Indian Investing: Why diversification matters for your portfolio?

Most Indian investors have primarily focused on the domestic market for various reasons, including strong economic growth and solid fundamentals. This has led many to overlook investment opportunities abroad. Additionally, restrictions on transferring large sums of money outside India and the additional paperwork involved have further contributed to the India focus. Global opportunities and diversification … Read more

Mandatory disclosure: Reporting foreign ESPP holdings in schedule FA

Mandatory disclosure: Reporting foreign ESPP holdings in schedule FA

As your employer had disclosed the income from exercise of the ESPP, you would be owning the shares listed overseas. Therefore, you would need to disclose such shares in Schedule FA (foreign assets) of your income tax return.   Any asset owned overseas by a resident (other than a not ordinarily resident, or NOR) must be … Read more