Mastering factor investing: Unlocking market secrets with value, momentum, and quality

Mastering factor investing: Unlocking market secrets with value, momentum, and quality

At its core, factor investing targets specific characteristics, or “factors,” in stocks that have been shown to deliver returns above what most diversified portfolios achieve. While rooted in rigorous academic research, it’s not just about chasing trends. Ajay, who’s been riding the momentum factor for the past two years and happily counting his gains, might … Read more

The perennial debate in factor investing: Quality versus value

The perennial debate in factor investing: Quality versus value

Serious investment buffs would broadly define investing into three large buckets, namely active, passive, and factor investing. Active fund management has a strong “natural intelligence” orientation and is largely dependent on the perspicacity of the fund manager. Passive investments remain focused on tracking benchmark compositions to generate benchmark-linked returns. While active and passive investment strategies … Read more