Business Loan: 7 game-changing factors that determine your interest rate

Business Loan: 7 game-changing factors that determine your interest rate

Funding is one of the biggest requirements for most businesses to survive or sustain. Funding can come from equity, debt, or other sources. Many organisations rely on business loans for their various needs. Lenders consider several parameters to decide whether the business is eligible for a loan and what should be the interest rate charged. … Read more

Global vs Indian Investing: Why diversification matters for your portfolio?

Global vs Indian Investing: Why diversification matters for your portfolio?

Most Indian investors have primarily focused on the domestic market for various reasons, including strong economic growth and solid fundamentals. This has led many to overlook investment opportunities abroad. Additionally, restrictions on transferring large sums of money outside India and the additional paperwork involved have further contributed to the India focus. Global opportunities and diversification … Read more

How to save for retirement: Investment tips for moderate risk takers

How to save for retirement: Investment tips for moderate risk takers

I am 35, and recently started a new job with a monthly income of ₹1.5 lakh. I have no significant liabilities and can save 40% of my income. My investments include: ₹10 lakh in MFs (large- and mid-caps, and debt funds); ₹5 lakh in fixed deposit; and ₹3 lakh in PPF. I aim to accumulate … Read more