What is Bank of Baroda’s systematic deposit plan? Key features to know

What is Bank of Baroda’s systematic deposit plan? Key features to know

Have you ever wondered what can you do if you want to open a fixed deposit account but do not have access to a large sum. Is this possible to accumulate the deposit money in tranches? Well, Bank of Baroda offers systematic deposit plan (SDP) to those depositors who want to start an FD (fixed … Read more

How to improve your credit score? Know it from experts

How to improve your credit score? Know it from experts

Improving your credit score is something that banks and NBFCs look favourably on, as it means that you are a responsible person fiscally and that lending to you would be safe. Experts give their advice on how to improve your credit score so that the (fiscal) sun shines down on you. Also Read: How can … Read more

Is due diligence by banks sufficient when buying property?

Is due diligence by banks sufficient when buying property?

In real life, too, it’s not uncommon to uncover issues related to properties after you’ve seemingly made a rightful purchase. Sometimes a property is sold twice, to different parties, or the title deed is not clear, or relatives might come into the picture. In fact, National Crime Records Bureau data shows that more than 7,000 … Read more