How can single women build emergency funds? Here are 6 key ways

How can single women build emergency funds? Here are 6 key ways

Financial security is a cornerstone of independence and peace of mind, especially for single women in India. Building a robust emergency fund is crucial, providing a safety net against unexpected expenses and economic uncertainties. Single women in India face unique financial challenges, including lower average incomes, limited access to financial resources, and societal pressures that … Read more

Is your money management strategy actually working? Key signs you might be off track

Is your money management strategy actually working? Key signs you might be off track

When it comes to managing money or investing, we all feel like our way is the right way because it works for us. We convince ourselves that the financial choices we have made are the ones that work best for us. There is no empirical way to prove the accuracy of such a belief. However, … Read more

Retirement Planning: How can you begin your journey towards retirement savings? Here are 5 key steps

Retirement Planning: How can you begin your journey towards retirement savings? Here are 5 key steps

Famed English actor Michael Caine once said, “Save your money. You are going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think.” Given that the thespian is now 91 years old, he likely has valuable insights into retirement and old age. Planning for retirement is one of the most important financial … Read more

How can using a credit card for emergencies affect your financial health?

How can using a credit card for emergencies affect your financial health?

But as I wrote earlier, just having a 6-month buffer may not be enough and because of their unique circumstances, some people need larger emergency funds. While the idea of having an emergency fund is mostly agreed upon by everyone, where one parks the emergency money often results in different responses. In general, and for small … Read more

From Holi to Financial Freedom: 6 colourful lessons to splash some cash savvy on you

From Holi to Financial Freedom: 6 colourful lessons to splash some cash savvy on you

Holi, the festival of colours, is not just a time for fun and merry-making but also offers valuable financial lessons that can be applied in our everyday lives. As we celebrate Holi, let’s take a closer look at some of the financial lessons we can learn from this vibrant festival. Budgeting and planning ahead Just … Read more