Looking for a bank loan? Come January 1, RBI’s new fortnightly credit reporting rule to help borrowers

Looking for a bank loan? Come January 1, RBI’s new fortnightly credit reporting rule to help borrowers

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently instructed banks and credit information companies (CICs) to update the credit information they collect at shorter intervals, i.e. once a fortnight rather than once a month. The instructions were issued on Thursday via a notification after the monetary policy statement by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das. The central bank … Read more

Credit card debt? Don’t drown! 5 life jackets to save your finances

Credit card debt? Don’t drown! 5 life jackets to save your finances

Credit card debt presents a dual challenge for both consumers and the economy, particularly during adverse economic conditions. High payments towards credit card debt reduce disposable income, leaving fewer funds for necessary expenses and discretionary spending. Consequently, this can dampen overall consumption and hinder economic growth. The ensuing financial stress can weigh heavily. Debt often … Read more

How to read your credit report accurately? 5 experts explain

How to read your credit report accurately? 5 experts explain

The devil as the saying goes, lies in the details. And with your credit scores this very much holds true. Three numbers, i.e. your credit score will reflect on how they view your approach towards money and how far your discipline towards money goes. And these three numerals make a world of difference whether you … Read more

Doctor triumphs in credit card lawsuit, sheds light on credit score myths and facts

Doctor triumphs in credit card lawsuit, sheds light on credit score myths and facts

Dr. Bhalla’s creditworthiness was severely affected by the incident, hampering his access to credit. He pursued legal recourse and successfully resolved the case. This situation is not unique, as many individuals frequently suffer from credit card issues caused by errors and unnecessary complications, resulting in significant personal and financial repercussions. Many fail to grasp the … Read more

Don’t have a CIBIL score? Here’s how a secured credit card can help you build it

Don’t have a CIBIL score? Here's how a secured credit card can help you build it

What is a secured credit card? It is a type of credit card issued against the security of a fixed deposit. If you don’t have a CIBIL score, you can open a new fixed deposit or offer an existing fixed deposit and ask the bank to offer you a secured credit card against it. The … Read more

Using a personal loan to build credit score? Here are some important things to keep in mind

Using a personal loan to build credit score? Here are some important things to keep in mind

Does obtaining a loan contribute to building credit score? Utilising personal loans can serve as an effective method for enhancing credit score, yet it’s essential to consider certain factors to ensure they positively impact your score. Here’s a detailed overview of the critical aspects: Lenders must report your timely payments to the bureaus to truly … Read more

Why does your credit utilisation ratio have such a big impact on your CIBIL score?

Why does your credit utilisation ratio have such a big impact on your CIBIL score?

What is the credit utilisation ratio? The credit utilisation ratio measures the amount of credit an individual utilises from the credit limit available to them. For example, an individual has a credit card with a limit of Rs. 1 lakh and has utilised the card for Rs. 20,000. In this case, the individual’s credit utilisation … Read more

6 smart borrowing strategies for long-term financial health

6 smart borrowing strategies for long-term financial health

In 2023, India’s financial landscape underwent some noteworthy changes, particularly in borrowing habits. The retail lending sector experienced substantial shifts, largely driven by the rising demand among young consumers and the expansion of credit to previously underserved areas. These developments are indicative of a broader trend in which consumers are diversifying their borrowing strategies to … Read more

How does a pre-approved loan influence your CIBIL score? MintGenie explains

How does a pre-approved loan influence your CIBIL score? MintGenie explains

When you are given a loan’s pre-approval, it usually has a minimal impact on your CIBIL score. This happens because it leads to a soft inquiry rather than a hard inquiry. In other words, loan pre-approval does not influence your CIBIL score in any significant way. Let us understand what is a soft inquiry. Pre-approval … Read more

CIBIL score on a decline? 6 key steps to follow to improve it

CIBIL score on a decline? 6 key steps to follow to improve it

Maintaining a healthy credit score is vital for financial stability. There are numerous factors responsible for a healthy credit score such as length of credit history and credit utilisation ratio. Additionally, if you are struggling to make payments, consider reaching out to your creditors to discuss alternative payment arrangements or hardship programs. Your bank may … Read more