Indradeep Ghosh: Fresh credit decisioning ideas needed for final push towards financial inclusion

Indradeep Ghosh: Fresh credit decisioning ideas needed for final push towards financial inclusion

However, in the non-credit domains, such as health insurance, investment products or retirement products, the inclusion record has been far less cheerful—indeed, it has barely even started. There is a story to be told about why the discrepancy is so stark between credit and every other kind of financial product. And, even within credit, there … Read more

6 smart borrowing strategies for long-term financial health

6 smart borrowing strategies for long-term financial health

In 2023, India’s financial landscape underwent some noteworthy changes, particularly in borrowing habits. The retail lending sector experienced substantial shifts, largely driven by the rising demand among young consumers and the expansion of credit to previously underserved areas. These developments are indicative of a broader trend in which consumers are diversifying their borrowing strategies to … Read more