The breakthrough AI needs | Mint

The breakthrough AI needs | Mint

Large language models have a keen appetite for electricity. The energy used to train OpenAI’s gpt-4 model could have powered 50 American homes for a century. And as models get bigger, costs rise rapidly. By one estimate, today’s biggest models cost $100m to train; the next generation could cost $1bn, and the following one $10bn. … Read more

Piyush Goyal launches AI tool to expedite trademark clearance process

Piyush Goyal launches AI tool to expedite trademark clearance process

Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday launched an AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) search tool that will help clear trademark applications at a faster pace and with greater efficiency. The minister said that AI will have to be accepted by all as it would help further promote ease of doing … Read more

Researchers are figuring out how large language models work

Researchers are figuring out how large language models work

LLMs are built using a technique called deep learning, in which a network of billions of neurons, simulated in software and modelled on the structure of the human brain, is exposed to trillions of examples of something to discover inherent patterns. Trained on text strings, LLMs can hold conversations, generate text in a variety of … Read more

Experts launch global call for tough AI questions in ‘Humanity’s Last Exam’

Experts launch global call for tough AI questions in ‘Humanity’s Last Exam’

A team of technology experts issued a global call on Monday seeking the toughest questions to pose to artificial intelligence systems, which increasingly have handled popular benchmark tests like child’s play. Dubbed “Humanity’s Last Exam,” the project seeks to determine when expert-level AI has arrived. It aims to stay relevant even as capabilities advance in … Read more

Clues to the future of AI? Deutsche Bank research lists THESE five themes to watch

Clues to the future of AI? Deutsche Bank research lists THESE five themes to watch

Deutsche Bank, in its research report on artificial intelligence titled ‘Latest in Al: Five clues to the future of Al in recent headlines’, has listed the themes to watch for in the space. Noting that AI is “as hot as ever”, with AI and ChatGPT still dominating Google search trends, the report also recalled older … Read more

The information wars are about to get worse, Yuval Harari argues

The information wars are about to get worse, Yuval Harari argues

“Let Truth and falsehood grapple,” argued John Milton in Areopagitica, a pamphlet published in 1644 defending the freedom of the press. Such freedom would, he admitted, allow incorrect or misleading works to be published, but bad ideas would spread anyway, even without printing—so better to allow everything to be published and let rival views compete … Read more

Regulators are focusing on real AI risks over theoretical ones. Good

Regulators are focusing on real AI risks over theoretical ones. Good

I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” HAL 9000, the murderous computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey” is one of many examples in science fiction of an artificial intelligence (AI) that outwits its human creators with deadly consequences. Recent progress in AI, notably the release of ChatGPT, has pushed the question of “existential … Read more

BIS works on AI platform standards; industry partners in loop

BIS works on AI platform standards; industry partners in loop

From diagnosing diseases to conjuring cool images, artificial intelligence (AI) had a free run for long. That may be about to end. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is preparing a comprehensive set of standards for AI-related applications in India, two people directly involved in the process said. The bureau is consulting the ministries of … Read more

AI needs regulation, but what kind, and how much?

AI needs regulation, but what kind, and how much?

Perhaps the best-known risk is embodied by the killer robots in the “Terminator” films—the idea that AI will turn against its human creators. The tale of the hubristic inventor who loses control of his own creation is centuries old. And in the modern era people are, observes Chris Dixon, a venture capitalist, “trained by Hollywood … Read more

Mint Primer | No way to tell a fake: AI images face reality check

Mint Primer | No way to tell a fake: AI images face reality check

Zomato has stopped using AI-generated food images. Artists and several others have also come out against such images. While there might be a compelling case for AI-generated images in some instances, platforms have to ensure transparency. Mint explains: Why did Zomato ban AI food images? It was in response to customer complaints about artificial intelligence … Read more