AI sparks classic Android, iOS tug of war for developers

AI sparks classic Android, iOS tug of war for developers

The story was similar at Google, too, which on 14 May announced features and initiatives to lure developers into building apps and services on its Gemini large language model (LLM)-powered suite of features for Android, Chrome, YouTube and more—which have estimated active user bases of 3.9 billion, 3.2 billion and 2.5 billion, respectively. With Apple … Read more

ChatGPT is a marvel of multilingualism

ChatGPT is a marvel of multilingualism

THE HYPE that followed ChatGPT’s public launch last year was, even by the standards of tech innovations, extreme. OpenAI’s natural-language system creates recipes, writes computer code and parodies literary styles. Its latest iteration can even describe photographs. It has been hailed as a technological breakthrough on a par with the printing press. But it has … Read more

Some international funds are still open for investments. Here’s a list.

Some international funds are still open for investments. Here’s a list.

Fund of funds (FoFs) that invest in overseas exchange traded funds (ETFs) will stop accepting fresh inflows from 1 April as the mutual fund industry is close to hitting its $1-billion limit to invest in overseas ETFs. However, investors can still diversify globally as some international funds have headroom to invest in international stocks. These … Read more

Regulators are forcing big tech to rethink its AI strategy

Regulators are forcing big tech to rethink its AI strategy

Trustbusters have big tech in their sights. On March 25th the European Commission opened a probe into Apple, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) and Meta (which is Facebook’s). Regulators in Brussels think the measures which the American technology behemoths have put in place to comply with the Digital Markets Act, a sweeping new law meant to … Read more

Apple CEO Tim Cook set to unveil plans to expand generative AI use

Apple CEO Tim Cook set to unveil plans to expand generative AI use

During Apple’s annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday, CEO Tim Cook announced the company’s plans to provide more details about its utilization of generative artificial intelligence later this year. Cook emphasized Apple’s significant investment in this area, highlighting the breakthrough potential for generative AI in enhancing productivity and problem-solving capabilities for users. While Apple has been … Read more