Mint Primer | AI phones on the horizon: promises and pitfalls

Mint Primer | AI phones on the horizon: promises and pitfalls

Apple and Google have both entered the generative AI fray, showcasing features that will bring AI features to all our smartphones. While this means that you can probably do much more with your upcoming phones, it also brings some risks to the table. What can your phones do with AI? On 10 June, Apple unveiled … Read more

AI sparks classic Android, iOS tug of war for developers

AI sparks classic Android, iOS tug of war for developers

The story was similar at Google, too, which on 14 May announced features and initiatives to lure developers into building apps and services on its Gemini large language model (LLM)-powered suite of features for Android, Chrome, YouTube and more—which have estimated active user bases of 3.9 billion, 3.2 billion and 2.5 billion, respectively. With Apple … Read more