92% of knowledge workers in India use AI at work as compared to the global figure of 75%.

92% of knowledge workers in India use AI at work as compared to the global figure of 75%.

Notably, 72% of AI employees are proactively bringing their own AI solutions to work, rather than relying solely on company-provided resources to enhance productivity. In comparison, the global average for AI workers embracing Bring Your Own Artificial Intelligence (BYOAI) stands at 78%.   ‘72% Indian AI users bringing their own AI tools to work’  “While … Read more

India Inc in a bind on whom to train for AI

India Inc in a bind on whom to train for AI

A senior partner from one of the Big Four audit and consulting firms explained the dilemma, noting the rapid pace at which AI skills become obsolete. Skills acquired today might not be relevant in just 18 months, complicating decisions about who should receive training. Moreover, the scarcity of a predefined talent pool means that candidates … Read more